Thursday, August 03, 2006

Error 629: The port was disconnected by the remote machine

Error 629: The port was disconnected by the remote machine (also re: error 913).

Check lists:
1) Make sure the username and password you have entered for the DUNS connection is correct.
2) Also make sure the phone number is correct.
3) if calling a server set for 128-bit encryption when you don't have 128-bit encryption installed on client.
4) if all the entries for RAS are not correct, you may get this error. This would include incorrect settings for the Basic, Server, Script, Security and X.25.
5) The settings for authentication and encryption on the security tab must match what your ISP requires.
6) if a new account logs on using PPTP and change password on first logon is enabled.
7) may be caused if the modem port speed is set below 19,200.
8) Can be caused by software or modem not being configured properly or being damaged.

For the consultants, refer to case 091304EC

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